We have a right to Privacy in this Country...Period
The Obama administration is bound and deter mend to remove that from all Americans.
It will all begin with the digitalizing of your Medical Records.
Once that is done they will also have direct access to your Financial records.
Through the States DVM Records They already has access to your Motor Vehicle records.
They “Big Government will Know all there is to know about you.
How you vote what guns you own what cars you own what property you own How much savings you have, ' ALL' you get it?
The democrat liberals want to tear up your United States Constitution and Bill of Rights and make you have nothing. They R U N everything and you are a mere pawn in they're world.
This is American people, Home of the Free, Land of the Brave.
We spilled our Blood on Foreign lands in the Sake of our Freedom.
Is this what your Sons and Daughters , Uncles and Aunts, Mothers and Fathers died for?
Government is stealing whats rightly ours.
Freedoms and Liberties
Speak up and do it Loudly and do it now This is the time.
Make your Government people go by the Constitution.
If we do not remember history we are doomed to repeat it.......Period
We the people of the United States of America must stop big liberal government
and NOW!
Remember ' Don't tread on me'? Well folks now is the time.
Vote out the liberals and speak louder then your neighbor.
The American automotive companies are making a come back and you all need a come
back too. I am asking all real and true Americans to Fly 'Old Glory' We need to prove who actually runs our country again 'We the People'
If you believe this country is great and strong speak up and do it now.
Thanks Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
a First and Second Amendment Believer