Known Leftist, George Soros' Liberal Agenda Will Carry Weight In Obama Presidency
To understand the 78-year-old Soros' world view, first look at his two obsessions: he dislikes President Bush intently, likening him to Hitler. And he dismisses the war on terror as a waste of time.
Soros demands:
-- Legalize gay marriage and euthanasia, and make abortion more available. He funds groups that claim they are Catholics for choice.
-- Legalize illegal drugs, or at least reduce the penalties. Soros believes crack cocaine dealers are victims because powder cocaine sellers receive shorter prisoner sentences. They are typically white, while crack users are black, he says.
-- Give felons the right to vote and end the death penalty.
-- New rights for illegal aliens.
-- An end to U.S. global supremacy
"George Soros has stated repeatedly and explicitly that he views the United States and its capitalist ideology as a threat to world peace"
Soros told the Washington Post in 2003 that defeating Bush's reelection "is the central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death."
He reportedly gave $5 million to , which promptly ran video ads comparing Bush to Hitler. An image of a saluting Hitler gives way to Bush taking the oath of office. Get it?
George Soros has stated "Democratic totalitarism is coming to America"
"Soros is Obama's principal patron," said Richard Lawrence Poe, co-author with David Horowitz of "The Shadow Party," a critical look at the network of left-wing tax-exempt groups the investor sponsors. The groups in turn doled out money to liberal candidates such as Obama.
The book's subtitle is, "How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party."
"He created Obama," Poe told HUMAN EVENTS. "An Obama presidency will be a Soros presidency."
Yea Thats your Left Wing Anti America Ohbama