Saturday, September 25, 2010

Let try and get our Country back

As most of my followers know, I grew up on a large ranch in the country around just good ole hard working regular folks. Neighbors helped each other out and it was a kinder gentler nation then.
Our days where simple and there weren't interruptions from cell phone calls, We ate better more nourishing meals with our families. We have certainly gotten off track here the last few years haven't we?
Americans used to go to church and raise their children right, Teachers used to teach our children and earn a wage, for their performance,  Unions used to be good for the American worker, I have watched this all on its way to failure. Right now as we speak the collapse of America is happening and has been happening for the past few years. Teachers unions have ruined teachers, Labor unions have ruined the workers, and our Government has ruined our people. In turn our children are lacking education and the people have become dependant upon progressive government. Who ever thought this would happen?
One thing we all need to remember about our liberal government and the socializing of America, Just know that 98% of Europeans voted for Adolf Hitler, and you know what happened there.
Obama was elected by a huge margin also, Does that wake you up to whats happening here?
Hitler nationalized the banks, schools, factories, Before he nationalized its people. Remember that!
And Yes I am comparing Barrack Obama to Adolf Hitler just in case you were wondering.
Liberals do it to George Bush all the time, So turnabout is indeed fair play.
I certainly hope that in November that "We the People" are awake and ready to reverse Obama's transformation of our country. We need to un transform our country and only elect George Washington type people to our Government. The left calls them the fringe, We call them Constitutional.
The left calls them Tea baggers, We call them Patriots.
The left calls them conservative loons, We call them Capitalists.
People like Harry Reid have got to be put out to pasture, He has ruined the great state of Nevada and indeed our Country and its people and children with his Progressive Socialistic ideals.
He has made the once great people of this country take a back seat and a free ride with his big government idea's. I am asking all Americans to wake up and smell the coffee here today.
Is your idea of our America supposed to be a liberal utopia? aka " Total Government"
Or the land of opportunity , the American dream?
I ask every citizen to think about your answer and think about your people, your families, co workers, all people you know, and do whats best for all of them.

Thank you, Sincerely Yours  Vance Keaton
                 Phoenix AZ

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lets get back to America

Dare to dream, Back to a day when America was a great country, When the far left was far away.
When we didn't have Ed Shultz and Keith Olbermann self proclaimed communists on your American TV screen, a day when your parents drove American made automobiles. A day when people flew the American flag every day of the year.
Our clothing was American made, our food was American grown and packaged.
Most didn't know what un employment was, Americans were a proud brave adventurous people.
We must elect tea party "True Constitutional" canidates.
The progressive movement must come to a screeching halt this year , and must be stopped for years to come. Our country is in grave danger of being ran by the United Nations its the Progressive agenda.
We the People must again step up to the plate and take Government back for and by the people.

Come on American People........Vote G O P and J O B S in November

Thanks Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

financial reform won't prevent another crisis

What was President Obama thinking?
The Obama administration asserts that the financial reform bill the President will sign into law this week will prevent future crises. In fact, it will fail to do so because it does not effectively address those perverse incentives. Indeed, it increases the likelihood of the accounting scams that are the very reason why perverse incentives pay.

All he did was make it easier to Banks and Financial Organisations to repo your Home, Vehicle, or Whatever, This bill does nothing toward actually protecting the US Consumer.

The bill does not address the problematic nature of modern executive and professional compensation even though the data shows that these are leading causes of the Great Recession. The percentage of executive compensation tied to short-term reported income has increased since the crisis, according to an independent study by James F. Reda & Associates.

The law will create a new regulatory council to monitor financial institutions in order to prevent the companies from becoming "too big to fail." It also gives the Federal Reserve [official website] the power to supervise the largest financial companies and report to the government any risks the firms may pose to the economy at large.
Why isn't Fannie and Freddie included? ask yourself indeed that!
Wasn't this organisation the leading cause for this economic crisis!!!

When signing the bill, Obama called the reforms "the strongest consumer financial protections in history" and stated that because of financial reform, "the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Street's mistakes."  Then why doesn't this Bill actually have the bones in it to enhance the protection of the people from Banks? Why does it give Banks more power over the people? Bank of America only helped one in ten struggling American home owners to be able to keep their homes, Millions were foreclosed upon, Obama's financial reform helping the people, "Really"?
Obama-Backed Financial Reform Bill Would Create New Bureaucracy with Power  likely to help the financial industry than individual consumers,
With President Obama  financial reform legislation into law in the next few days the public is hearing grandiose rhetoric about the bill's merits. The president has promised the bill will "end an era of irresponsibility" while Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the bill will clean up Wall Street and "fix the system that caused the recession."  Do We the People actually believe what Reid says? I know that I surely do not.
The public doesn't trust Congress, an institution that can't pass a budget and is responsible for our $13 trillion debt, to manage and fix the dysfunctional and complex financial relationships on Wall Street.
Its absolutely no wonder why the Tea Parties are having such a great success in this USA.
In the real world no crisis is like the last one. The next financial crisis could be a liquidity crisis, a debt crisis, a crisis concerning the value of the dollar, or something else. This bill will not only fail to prevent the next crisis, but will create an economy that is weakened and less able to withstand the next crisis. Unfortunately, the financial reform bill shows the era of irresponsibility in Washington is far from over. credit goes to Tom Coburn is a U.S. Senator from Oklahoma for some of this information.
We as Americans have to stand up and take part in American politics again, This Government is out of control.
Write your Federal, State, and Local Representatives and allow them to know how you feel.
We the people have got to take our Country back from the Big Government dysfunctional Bureaucracy.

Thanks Vance Keaton
Phoenix, AZ