Saturday, July 27, 2013
Its 1984 Folks , Wake up please
How many of you have watched the George Orwell film 1984? "Big Brother" is always watching you.
Back when this movie was in production it was a Sy Fi film...Now its reality.
Barack Hussein Obama and his radical admin and the NSA is Big Brother, and you all are nothing more than slaves to his large over bearing government.
This kind of a total police state in what the vote was about back in 2008, The liberal Toyota drivers and the welfare brats all voted in 2008 for an Obama police state.
Obama Care takes over our economy just like a soviet take over of a country. We are now all imprisoned by "Big Bother" Mr. Obama seeks to dis mantel the NRA and simply dis arm we the people.
The liberals continually support the complete and utter destruction of our Founding Documents.
You all know how well the North American Free Trade Agreement worked under Bill Clinton right.
This Obama care is absolutely more destructive than that, it completely alienates the economy away from the people.
How in the world do you insure 20 million folks and not have prices virtually skyrocket elsewhere.
Mr. Obama stated this "If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" People you do now realize that this was all a bunch of Lie's right?
Its called Smoke and Mirrors from "Big Brother"
Do you believe allowing Toyota and Nissan to sell vehicles in America without a tariff was a good idea? Isn't that what actually caused the crash of the American Auto Industry? Didn't that destroy Detroit?
So you people who voted for Obama want more of the same? Because that is whats coming with Obama Care.
"Bankrupt America" ? Yes we can!!! is what the should have shouted in 2008.
What is an Obama economy? 50 million folks on Food Stamps , still rising unemployment, Jobs shipped over sea's, Because citizens cant afford to purchase USA made good because of labor unions driving prices up.
This Obama fellow and his socialist minion followers seek to destroy the United States of America this is now so obvious to most folks, "Fundamental Change" it was called. Well folks what it is actually is "Big Brother" from the Movie 1984, always watching you. The NSA monitoring your private phone calls, watching you online, Monitoring your activities where ever you are.
I ask did all of this liberal intrusion help in figuring out the Boston bombers? Hell no! They couldn't even find a teenage boy hiding in a boat could they?
BUT! They are building a GIANT date gathering industrial complex in UTAH with the blessing of the Socialist Messiah "Barack H. Obama" He was against it before he was for it.
I ask people everyday when are they going to wake up and demand that "BIG BROTHER" steps out of your lives. Today 1 in 5 people are dependant on the Liberal Government.
Can you believe those stats?
People today make me sad, They are seeking something for nothing, Their American pride back bone is diminished into a flimsy mess. Where did the American can do spirit go , out the back window of their Honda pass port? How damn sad is this country today.
I am so glad I grew up in a better time, Kids haven't any future today, They all will be completely dependant upon "Big Brother" , They will not know freedom and Liberty as I knew it.
Please folks.... read and study your American history.
Sincerely Yours
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Americans under attack
Americans under attack
I warned you all about
Barack Hussein Obama back in 2007, He was the unknown man.
He had Bill Ayres as a
neighborhood friend, He sat in Rev Wrights church for 20 years and
never heard, Wights un Godly comments. His best friend was his
mentor, His mentor was a certified Marxist. Mr. Obama was out to
fundamentally transform The United States of America into a third
world country. His followers weren’t smart enough to see what a
future with Barack Hussein Obama would be like.
See now we have what
actually Big Government is, Its called Tyranny! And attack on the
citizens of this United States of America.
It's a full fledged attack
from Government on the citizens of this country.
Its an attack on the US
Constitution, Its an attack on free speech, Its an attack on Lawful
Gun Owners, Its an attack on the hard working tax payers, Its an
attack on religious freedom, Its an attack on our personal freedom
and liberty and privacy.
This is big Government
control, This is the world of life Under Mr. Obama and the liberal
democrats. They have now made American's even more fearful of the
Mr. Obama has stated that
the war on Terror with Muslims is over, Well now there is still a war
, However now it is a war on the citizens of America.
He doesn’t enforce laws
that would have illegal criminals arrested and deported. But now the
US Obama Government will go against its own citizens.
Yes folks it called
We the people can not by
any means Trust the Government...That is plain to see now.
It appears that the Obama
Government is corrupted thru out all agency's.
This is how Marxism starts
, They infiltrate and take over from the inside, Folks its here and
it has happened. How can this Un Known Obama fellow Govern? He cant
nor did he ever want to. This is what life looks like under a Far
Leftist dictator.
He is going to now tell
you “TOO BAD” live with it. He already told you that a long time
ago. He said “Elections have consequences” That’s what he
meant...”He King Obama will now control you”
This Government fly's
helicopters over your homes and thru flur vision they photograph your
home, They monitor your private phone calls, You spy on our internet
surfing, You send your goons to harass political groups for which you
do not agree with.
People this is Marxism,
its all done from the inside, and the people who follow directions,
Because they know whats best for you!
I personally find this
shameful. Our Founding Fathers would hate this Tyranny.
The Government has secret
courts? Whats the need! Whats wrong with a regular court?
Why is the Government of
the people for the people by the people, Need to have a secret court?
This is indeed very suspicious of it self. This doesn’t sound like
its not for the people that is for certain.
Trust Mr. Obama? Trust
Hillary Clinton? Trust Susan Rice? Trust Eric Holder? Oh hell no!!
You couldn’t pay me to trust this Government!!
With the election of
Obama, we have self inflicted tyranny. I like many say this coming
with the election of far left radical democrats.
I hope all these scandals
with the corrupted Obama administration has been an eye opener for
The Folks need to take a
good deep breath and start investigating their Government.
Thanks for reading and
paying attention
God Bless you in your
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Monday, April 22, 2013
A show of force in Boston
Listen Folks, over four hundred police from different law enforcement agency's and back grounds, Place a raid on poor little "Water Town Mass" and the reason was?
The ordinary people would just think "Oh they are after an armed terrorist"
However, Since when has it taken 400 to go after one 19 yr old kid?
What the evidence here shows is that this event was just a trail run for Government initiated Martial Law.
This was to evaluate how the average citizen would act under Martial Law.
Obama and the Democrats are truly testing the waters here, They got to test the accuracy of their new F L U R , vision, Inferred Camera systems, Their new Homeland security vehicles, New weapon systems. and new communication devices, Yes they did get the guy, However this jack booted thug approach to taking over a neighborhood, well it was more like a drill than anything else.
The subject was in the man boat in the back yard, He was already wounded and bleeding out.
He certainly at this point wasn't much of a so called threat to anyone.
However, They "Big Daddy Government" flew a chopper over the scene and looked at their FLUR, sighted the man up, and shot him while he was inside the mans boat.
Why? The subject was already weak from blood loss, and most likely already near death.
One officer could have climbed onto the boat and subdued this subject in question.
Why this huge show of force?
Are these public union workers so scared that we need this kind of over kill? why aren't more people asking these questions about our public tax payer police jack boot thug mentality?
In Boston Mass, of all Places, The place where the coming together by our founding fathers, the beginning of our nation began, These SHEEP sat in their homes and did as The Police told them to do.
Oh my gosh, I cant believe it, What a disgrace to our country and our self reliant founders.
And how many of these people actually allowed these union thugs into their homes, because of the forced door to door searches?
Did they administer Martial Law or Not?
I would be dammed if I would cow war in place in my home!
Just because the Police advised me to do so, If I wanted to be out in my yard or I wanted to walk to the store, I would have done so. They work for us, We work to pay taxes and taxes pay their salary's.
Why do people not understand this? So now they always know whats best for us?
I say I shall never become a Sheep, I see what happened in Water Town Mass, and I saw an abuse of Government Force, Remember the Branch Dividians in Waco Texas? Use that as your example of a show of aggressive force to a neighborhood by the Government. The Over reaching, Over bearing Government burnt that place to the ground and killed those innocent tax payers, who payed their wages all the while attacking them. This Boston episode was No Different, This was a GIANT show of Force by the Government "Telling" we the people, "You try and mess with us" and we will with out remorse kill you all.
"You the sheep have given us special vehicles, weapons, and communications" and Now we own you!!!
You will do as we say or else!!
This is why our government has built many many many new FEMA camps all around this country.
This is also why Progressive's like Obama and John McCain and Diane Feinstein push for the dis arming of American citizens. They intend for only the Government to have weapons, so the people have to surrender and have No choice of any kind of armed resistance.
They can now peer inside your home with a helicopter or drone, and take you out in a second.
I hope the people now realize what kind of a Government we actually have now.
Wake Up Sheep wake up!!!
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Saving a once Great Country
Our founding fathers couldn't believe the complete and utter ignorance of our Today's Government.
Eric Holder , Obama's attorney general cant rule out US Military drone attacks inside the USA
Why couldn't he have just said "NO"?
What is our over reaching Tyrannical Government up to today?
They have purchased Billions of rounds of ammunition, They have purchased special OFF Road Capable Home Land Security Vehicles, They have spent billions of our American tax dollars on literally building hundreds of "FEMA" Camps, They are planning something, But what is it?
They have purchased hundred of thousands of Plastic Coffins, What are these for?
Is the Obama Government planning on attacks against We the People?
No one is answering anything, What is our governments future agenda?
Is Obama capable of becoming a total dictator?
Our Over bearing Over reaching Government is gearing up for something, Its in the wind and almost every citizen of our country fears it. However you still have some that will not pay attention to anything.
The Democrats are again trying to take down Our 2nd Amendment once again, Why do the democrats want to dis arm we the people? Why do these democrats fear we the people?
Look at the radicals that Obama has placed on his staff and in his cabinet, These people are mostly Chicago radicals, Whats their agenda for we the people?
Think about why would they even try to dis arm the citizens of America?
They have a plan for everyone, and I surely do not trust Obama or his people.
They have in the last four years completely turned the Government into a Tyrannical group against the people of our country.
Our Founders would have been taking up arms months and months ago, Our country is in destruction mode right now. The American people have the capacity to do something, We must take a good hard look at all involved now, We must watch and listen more so then we ever have. Our Government is up to something.
I have heard all kinds of scenario's, But who is right?
Do the democrats intend to give our country away to the Chinese? They wont except until we the American people have been dis armed?
This one makes sense to me, as bad and as crazy as it sounds, But I tend to meld some truth into this.
However, Thank God for Rand Paul of Kentucky, Who is standing up for our founding beliefs today, By Filibustering one of the Radical Obama appointments. The people that this man Obama selected to service in Top area's of Government is completely appalling. They are indeed shameful to our great country.
What was Obama thinking and why appoint complete failures to his elitist cabinet? There must be a reason , But what is it?
Does he intend for our National Security "TO FAIL"? It absolutely seams like it to me.
Where are the actual Patriots who adore and love this country? What happened to our people? have they given up to the leftist ideals?
Where is the Obama admin taking us? Where are those people that will stop him?
I beg we the people to take a good hard look at whats taking place in our country, and ask them to wake up now.
Ask yourself where are the real and true Statesmen? Who loves this country enough to stand up?
We cant as American citizens just stand by and allow these radical socialist/communists to steal our country away from us, We can not allow our freedoms and liberty to be squelched!
Who is out there to Stand up for our Freedom?
Who will stand with Senator Rand Paul and myself?
I am asking every American citizen to speak up, contact your representatives, Its time to speak up and speak with passion about our wonderful country, The United States of America.
If you chose to ignore these issues, We all lose!
Thanks for reading my Blog
Sincerely Yours
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Eric Holder , Obama's attorney general cant rule out US Military drone attacks inside the USA
Why couldn't he have just said "NO"?
What is our over reaching Tyrannical Government up to today?
They have purchased Billions of rounds of ammunition, They have purchased special OFF Road Capable Home Land Security Vehicles, They have spent billions of our American tax dollars on literally building hundreds of "FEMA" Camps, They are planning something, But what is it?
They have purchased hundred of thousands of Plastic Coffins, What are these for?
Is the Obama Government planning on attacks against We the People?
No one is answering anything, What is our governments future agenda?
Is Obama capable of becoming a total dictator?
Our Over bearing Over reaching Government is gearing up for something, Its in the wind and almost every citizen of our country fears it. However you still have some that will not pay attention to anything.
The Democrats are again trying to take down Our 2nd Amendment once again, Why do the democrats want to dis arm we the people? Why do these democrats fear we the people?
Look at the radicals that Obama has placed on his staff and in his cabinet, These people are mostly Chicago radicals, Whats their agenda for we the people?
Think about why would they even try to dis arm the citizens of America?
They have a plan for everyone, and I surely do not trust Obama or his people.
They have in the last four years completely turned the Government into a Tyrannical group against the people of our country.
Our Founders would have been taking up arms months and months ago, Our country is in destruction mode right now. The American people have the capacity to do something, We must take a good hard look at all involved now, We must watch and listen more so then we ever have. Our Government is up to something.
I have heard all kinds of scenario's, But who is right?
Do the democrats intend to give our country away to the Chinese? They wont except until we the American people have been dis armed?
This one makes sense to me, as bad and as crazy as it sounds, But I tend to meld some truth into this.
However, Thank God for Rand Paul of Kentucky, Who is standing up for our founding beliefs today, By Filibustering one of the Radical Obama appointments. The people that this man Obama selected to service in Top area's of Government is completely appalling. They are indeed shameful to our great country.
What was Obama thinking and why appoint complete failures to his elitist cabinet? There must be a reason , But what is it?
Does he intend for our National Security "TO FAIL"? It absolutely seams like it to me.
Where are the actual Patriots who adore and love this country? What happened to our people? have they given up to the leftist ideals?
Where is the Obama admin taking us? Where are those people that will stop him?
I beg we the people to take a good hard look at whats taking place in our country, and ask them to wake up now.
Ask yourself where are the real and true Statesmen? Who loves this country enough to stand up?
We cant as American citizens just stand by and allow these radical socialist/communists to steal our country away from us, We can not allow our freedoms and liberty to be squelched!
Who is out there to Stand up for our Freedom?
Who will stand with Senator Rand Paul and myself?
I am asking every American citizen to speak up, contact your representatives, Its time to speak up and speak with passion about our wonderful country, The United States of America.
If you chose to ignore these issues, We all lose!
Thanks for reading my Blog
Sincerely Yours
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Monday, March 4, 2013
Robotic squirrels and The Government
Our Liberal "Obama" government has given our tax payer cash for, A $325,000 grant for the development of "Robosquirrel" - a robotic rodent
Now why would we the people want to spend our monies for this?
There also is widespread abuse of the food stamp system -- including an exotic dancer who earned more than $85,000 a year in tips, but also collected nearly $1,000 a month in food stamps while spending $9,000 during that time period on "cosmetic enhancements."
Also Should the US be giving $250M in aid to Egypt? We are giving Fighter jets and Fighting Military Tanks, To the Muslim Brotherhood, Does this sound like a good idea?
"We're running trillion-dollar deficits. The way you get rid of trillion-dollar deficits -- a billion at a time," Sen Tom Coburn of Oklahoma told Fox News.
Obama couldn't find places to cut, are you kidding me?
There is so must fraud, abuse, and waste in our ultra liberal spend thrift government.
Obama is trying to destroy with his Socialist rules for radicals ideals.
Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln would be spitting in this Obama's face, He is acting like a dictator even though he says that he isn't one.
Our country is in the Liberal/Socialist shitter right now, and our Liberal POTUS sits upon his ass and blames republicans. WOW!! that's leadership hey?
You see it has always been the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist agenda to destroy America from the inside out.
They intend to bankrupt our country, They intend to use class warfare to de moralize this country through the Gay Marriage agenda.
Obama is the blamer in chief, Not the actual President, and it seem a few more Americans are waking up to this fact. Also Mitt Romney was absolutely right about the 47% of takers in our country.
The progressives have began to take down our American dream self reliant society, and have created a welfare state.
It appears that Obama's voters have turned into Robotic Squirrels.
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Now why would we the people want to spend our monies for this?
There also is widespread abuse of the food stamp system -- including an exotic dancer who earned more than $85,000 a year in tips, but also collected nearly $1,000 a month in food stamps while spending $9,000 during that time period on "cosmetic enhancements."
Also Should the US be giving $250M in aid to Egypt? We are giving Fighter jets and Fighting Military Tanks, To the Muslim Brotherhood, Does this sound like a good idea?
"We're running trillion-dollar deficits. The way you get rid of trillion-dollar deficits -- a billion at a time," Sen Tom Coburn of Oklahoma told Fox News.
Obama couldn't find places to cut, are you kidding me?
There is so must fraud, abuse, and waste in our ultra liberal spend thrift government.
Obama is trying to destroy with his Socialist rules for radicals ideals.
Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln would be spitting in this Obama's face, He is acting like a dictator even though he says that he isn't one.
Our country is in the Liberal/Socialist shitter right now, and our Liberal POTUS sits upon his ass and blames republicans. WOW!! that's leadership hey?
You see it has always been the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist agenda to destroy America from the inside out.
They intend to bankrupt our country, They intend to use class warfare to de moralize this country through the Gay Marriage agenda.
Obama is the blamer in chief, Not the actual President, and it seem a few more Americans are waking up to this fact. Also Mitt Romney was absolutely right about the 47% of takers in our country.
The progressives have began to take down our American dream self reliant society, and have created a welfare state.
It appears that Obama's voters have turned into Robotic Squirrels.
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Monday, February 18, 2013
Catering to a special group of individuals in America
"Catering to a special group of individuals in America"
Special interest groups, Yes its called Hispanic/Latino
I got my ballot here today in Phoenix Arizona to vote on so stupid proposition, that the City is offering the folks about tax breaks.
Why is my ballot in English and Spanish? Why not English and German? Why do we offer special process's to the Hispanic community?
This is the USA, we speak English here.
In Arizona the Spanish community can take their drivers license test in Spanish also.
Why not English only? Why are these Hispanic's given special treatment?
There certainly is no reason for this special catering to the Latino community.
It just encourages them to never have to learn English.
I don’t know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of it, Spanish channels on my cable TV that I have to pay for, Prices in the stores in Spanish, customer service in stores for Hispanic's, Its out of control.
Why aren't Americans protesting this disruption to their everyday lives?
I pay for cable, I do not want to have to have "SPANISH" channels that I do not watch or will ever want to watch.
These Spanish people live in the USA, why am I forced to have Spanish things that I do not want!
If they want Spanish TV , then they need to leave this country and go back from which they came….Period
I see road signs in Spanish also, why? Why are these people driving on our roads if they cant read ENGLISH?
I am appalled at what I see in this country!
There certainly isn't any reason to be catering to one special interest group of people.
English in the language of our country, If you do not want to learn it and read it and speak it, Then our country isn't the country for you apparently.
I wished lawmakers would wake up to these facts, We the people are sick and tired of the Latino community taking over this country.
NO MORE Amnesty for these Spanish criminal immigrants…… end of story!
Its time America take on these special interest groups straight on, not from the sidelines, and fight them rather than give into them.
If you are going to vote speak English should be the law of the land here.
Who's with me?
Speak out, Stop being silent!!
Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Tell Dear Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA what you think
I sent this letter to Rand Paul, I believe that he is the only one with our American best interests in mind
Thank you for submitting your request. You should hear from my office soon. Rand Paul
Dear Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA
Your anti weapon ban is overly egregious, Our country was founded upon we the people , having the right of self protection.
Our founders had the fore thought to see , that our long withstanding government had the ability to become over powering and over reaching and to become tyrannical. Senators like yourself seek to rule over we the people "Like a King"
Our country dis miss's your ideals, Removing the right of self protection from we the people is un constitutional.
You can not ban your way to our countries safety. When you give up freedom for liberty you have neither.
Banning what you deem an assault rifle? "What you deem?" who are you?
Oh that's right a Government employee with a concealed weapons permit and protected by armed security. at the cost of we the people.
Those same people you are against. An high capacity magazine? "What is a high capacity magazine?"
What you deem to be one?
and who are you again? oh that's right, a government worker, paid by we the people!
Who are you to say what we the people should have or shouldn't have? I see you as an anti American dictator!
You seem to think that you know what's best for all of us, allow me to say that you certainly do not!
What is an assault rifle? You seem to believe its anything you want to remove from we the people.
Senator Feinstein you are the problem! Your anti American beliefs are what's wrong. Our founding people would have fought your views with a vengeance, You would be compared to the views from which they ran from, You are the reason we fought the Revolutionary war.
Our founder fought the tyranny that you are wanting to give we the people.
If four armed intruders kick in your front door and their intentions is to rob and kill you, People need an AR rifle with thirty rounds.
You shall not have the right to decide what is right for my families protections.
You should actually be relived of your post, for dereliction of duty!
You no longer have the best interest of our country in mind, You are now a terrorist toward our founding documents.
You are now an egregious government employee.
You are a dangerous person.
Will our Police and Government agency's also go by your weapons ban rule?
Because remember, They to are we the people, and laws are laws right?
I wouldn't feel safe, if only Government were allowed to have weapons, it sounds overly familure to me.
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Thank you for submitting your request. You should hear from my office soon. Rand Paul
Dear Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA
Your anti weapon ban is overly egregious, Our country was founded upon we the people , having the right of self protection.
Our founders had the fore thought to see , that our long withstanding government had the ability to become over powering and over reaching and to become tyrannical. Senators like yourself seek to rule over we the people "Like a King"
Our country dis miss's your ideals, Removing the right of self protection from we the people is un constitutional.
You can not ban your way to our countries safety. When you give up freedom for liberty you have neither.
Banning what you deem an assault rifle? "What you deem?" who are you?
Oh that's right a Government employee with a concealed weapons permit and protected by armed security. at the cost of we the people.
Those same people you are against. An high capacity magazine? "What is a high capacity magazine?"
What you deem to be one?
and who are you again? oh that's right, a government worker, paid by we the people!
Who are you to say what we the people should have or shouldn't have? I see you as an anti American dictator!
You seem to think that you know what's best for all of us, allow me to say that you certainly do not!
What is an assault rifle? You seem to believe its anything you want to remove from we the people.
Senator Feinstein you are the problem! Your anti American beliefs are what's wrong. Our founding people would have fought your views with a vengeance, You would be compared to the views from which they ran from, You are the reason we fought the Revolutionary war.
Our founder fought the tyranny that you are wanting to give we the people.
If four armed intruders kick in your front door and their intentions is to rob and kill you, People need an AR rifle with thirty rounds.
You shall not have the right to decide what is right for my families protections.
You should actually be relived of your post, for dereliction of duty!
You no longer have the best interest of our country in mind, You are now a terrorist toward our founding documents.
You are now an egregious government employee.
You are a dangerous person.
Will our Police and Government agency's also go by your weapons ban rule?
Because remember, They to are we the people, and laws are laws right?
I wouldn't feel safe, if only Government were allowed to have weapons, it sounds overly familure to me.
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Sunday, January 20, 2013
President Obama's second term
Barack Obama is the absolute worst President in our history.
He personally has put our country are great risk financially.
He has personally put our country at great risk security wise.
He has personally lowered moral standards and economic standards.
He has personally lowered our standing in the world and our credit standard in the world.
Mr. Obama is a Secular Progressive Dictator.
He believes that he and he alone, Knows what's best for everyone.
Mr. Obama has created a tyrannical government, Who has been structured to go against the people.
The one's who voted for Obama , are nothing more than the average sheep, They will follow this man right over the cliff willingly.
Most all Obama voters receive some type of entitlement in their welfare state household.
Most all Obama voters believe in "Regulating the people" aka Global Warming, and Slowing Business's in America.
Most all Obama voters believe in Government being their to "Take care of them"
Most all Obama voters do not believe in God, and Love Abortion, and want Gay Marriage.
Most all Obama voters adore Radical Unions" Because they truly believe in getting something for nothing.
Most all Obama voters believe that Monies grow on tree's, and that the Obama government can print their way into a good economy.
In the next four yrs, You will see more and more business fail and close their door, You will see a major increase in un/under employment.
The Obama voters are fine with never getting the truth, Because they only watch or listen to state run media.
They are fine with this Obama Character not ever being asked the Tough questions.
Like why are 51 million people on food stamps, if the economy is getting better? Shouldn’t that # be going down instead of up
Isn't it time we all just stop borrowing from the bank of china so our children and grand children could have a decent future?
See this Obama and his sheep followers, Could absolutely care less about all that, all they care about is what can you do for me today.
Obama and his utter failure liberal sheep, Have an agenda, and that agenda is "To take American down"
Thanks for reading, paying attention and following alone
Sincerely Vance Keaton Phoenix AZ
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Diane Feinstein ' Scary weapon ' ban
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
What does this statement actually mean?
The word Militia means "We the people" the Citizens of the United States of America.
Necessary? Meaning that our guns are truly necessary in order to be a free country, with liberty and freedoms, From a dictatorship.
Keep and Bear Arms? To have guns in our houses and business's and to be able to carry them for our safety and security.
Shall not be infringed? Meaning "Laws can not be passed to infringe upon our rights to keep and bear arms" Period
Liberals intend to ban "Scary Looking Guns" By whatever means necessary, They cant even vocalize an explanation of a magazine for the gun.
I have heard it called a round clip magazine, Really? Just what is a round clip magazine
A clip and A magazine are two different things. And a round clip magazine no one has even ever heard of.
Liberals are completely out of touch when it comes to guns in the USA, if they haven't a clue what they are even speaking about, well then they should plainly just stay
Out of the conversation.
Liberals or as I call them "Secular Progressives" aka Just modern day "Communists"
Haven't a clue when it comes to guns, They want to call them all assault weapons, Because some are black and scary looking and hold a gun round clip magazine.
Wow, is that a mouthful!
Well Regulated in the 2nd Amendment means 1) To control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc. 2) To adjust to some standard or requirement as for amount, degree, etc.
3) To adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation. 4) To put in good order. "The People" to organize The people, and to keep the weapons in good working order.
"to put in good order" is the correct interpretation of well regulated, signifying a well disciplined, trained, and functioning militia. This says and means nothing about passing absurd gun laws.
Liberals always try and change our history for the unknowing types, George Washington intended for the people to be the protectors against a tyrannical out of control government.
We the people, The legal citizens of this United States would indeed be the protectors of our US Constitution…..That is just obvious!
This is absolutely why they gave us all the 2nd Amendment, We as citizens have the right of protection from Government.
When the term "the people" is used, it is be referring to a right that is exercised individually by all people "Citizens" we all have the RIGHT of protection from an out of control government. Liberals wont tell the truth about this document that most in this country hold near and dear to their hearts.
In the past I am certain that there were British sympathizers that also thought Muskets were scary, and no one under the KING should have them, Thank GOD our founding fathers thought better. British sympathizers were called Loyalists , as they were going to be loyal to the King, as liberals are loyal to their anti gun, anti American agenda.
Now we have the Obama sympathizers, they are loyal to the Obama admins anti gun, anti American secular progressive King! Truly no different from the anti American sympathizers of our past. These are the Occupy people, the Tax the Rich people, the Green power/Global warming people, The gay ok/ abortion anytime people, These are the people indoctrinating our children and grand children. Obama people are the New British sympathizers!
This is a review of the past, and also makes sense today.
The Americans were fighting on their soil for their own liberties and, in short order, their independence, all advantages to their side. George Washington, in spite of his limited military experience, proved to be an adept leader. Compromising his ability to lead the more than two hundred thousand men who fought in the war were the poorly trained and undisciplined militias. In addition, food, medicine, and ammunition were often in short supply because the Continental Congress had no power to compel the colonies to provide what was needed. Nor did the colonies fulfill their quotas for troops for the Continental Army. Perhaps the most serious handicap was the significant number of Americans who not only opposed the war but sided with the British.
Feinstein's 'assault weapon' ban ? Isn't Diane Feinstein a "British sympathizer?" after all She wants to remove your right to own a firearm in our country, Doesn’t this make her actually an Traitor to our country? I feel that she isn't loyal to our country. I feel as if she should be arrested and imprisoned , Just like the Wiki leaks character, Manning.
This is a re accruing problem in our country, We have liberal anti American politicians going against we the people, These politicians need to be held accountable once and for all. We have several politicians that require the need to be held accountable now in Washington DC .
As far as the Sandy Hook and other shootings in this country, Laws wouldn’t have ever stopped these shooters, We already have law after law after law on the books. Criminals will always breaks laws, that is merely why they are called Criminals.
I also consider "Diane Feinstein" a criminal, Because she goes against our country when she speaks her anti American speech.
She is right out their with Rev Wright when it comes to here complete un Americanism. She intends to steal the rights from lawful Americans, as Obama does with Bankrupting our country. They are two pee's of the same anti American pod.
So this is what the Democrats intend to do now, Bankrupt the country, and confiscate our guns, So now we are in a truly chaotic disparaged country with no way to protect ourselves against Criminals. Wow, this is why I haven't ever voted for a liberal.
Democrats adore law, and plan to give me and you more and more and more, along with thousands upon thousands of regulations, aka Laws! It’s the total "POLICE STATE PACKAGE" designed to control you and I, Not Diane Feinstein and her cronies. She is the Wealthy class, she is above you and I class, She only makes the laws, she doesn’t follow the laws, Her PRIVATE SECURITY TEAM, will still have all the weapons that she just told you and I , that we can not have or posses. Aren't Liberals (Secular Progressives) great!
Diane Feinstein ' Scary weapon ' ban is just another Liberal feel good Law, its virtually use less all over again.
Her scary weapons have been flying off store shelves for over a month now, But don’t worry she and the Obama admin will have the United Nations sign on to do the confiscation. They will not do it themselves. They will backdoor it through the U.N.
I dearly hope that millions of good lawful American citizen gun owners along with NRA and 2nd Amendment adoring people will fight with all the confidence that George Washington and his fellow patriot founding fathers had, against this Obama / Feinstein Tyrannical Government. I feel that this country now after 200 yrs, of growing and finally reaching the tipping point, needs to have another revolution to cleanse itself of the wrong doing by our over reaching ,over taxing, over regulating, over controlling Radical Government.
American is there now, at the point of "Enough is Enough"
I hope you are with me in defending America, I hope you are with me in saying "Enough is Enough"
I hope you are with me in saying "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" Thomas Jefferson
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