Folks like Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Radicals in the Leftist Movement like Van Jones.
Have allowed people of color to be used as puppets on a ship of fools.
Democrats haven't done anything to move people of color forward in America.
Until people of color, Realize that they are being kept down to be useful idiots for the party of liberal socialists.
These Democrats must keep people of color poor and in miserable communities.
Simply because they the Democrats require their vote.
Look these leftist Democrats do not ever want , People of color to have School Vouchers.
Democrats can not afford people of color to have an educational choice.
They have spent many years in their indoctrination process, So they simply cant take a chance of people of color knowing the real story of this country.
Can you only imagine if people of color knew it was the Republicans that freed them, and that it was the Democrats that voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Al Gore's own Democrat Father voted against people of color.
Jim Crow was a Democrat that made aggressive laws against people of color.
It was the Republicans that worked hard to abolish those crude laws.
If only People of Color had the right to get educated.
I find it to be a shame that people of color do not stand a chance in the modern world because these Democrats hold them back. Democrats refuse to explain to people of color that education is fundamental in personal achievement. Democrats do not speak of self reliance and personal responsibility.
If only they did. If only they told people of color the truth.
You would see many many new people of color become successful people.
Everyone should be asking these Democrats , Why can't folks of color have school vouchers.
This is an issue that should be pushed by people who are considered about the life of their country.
You should also ask these people, Why its the Democrats that intend to keep Firearms out of the hands of law abiding people of color.
People of Detroit and Chicago need firearms to be able to protect themselves from thugs.
However, Its the Democrats that continually forbid these folks from having their right of self protection.
I hope that some time in my life time, These respected people of color wake up and smell the coffee.
I hope its not too late.
Vance Keaton