Leftism has ruined our America
In the day's of me growing up, The 1970's You had pretty tough times.
The gas crisis, The Vietnam war, Union strikes, and much more.
But all in all life was fairly good for most. This started the way for the Hippie Type's ..Pot smoking, stinking dirty, left wing war protesters.
This has lead to our country becoming weak and lazy..Its truly a shame.
These Vietnam protesting radicals now teach our student's the way to Socialist Radicalism.
Leftism had worked it's insane radical views into all aspects of our country now.
When I think back a few years, I know that Spam used to be the absolute cheapest meat that any American family could buy. Today its one of the most expensive.
I stopped at the store the other night to pick up four pounds of ground beef aka Hamburger.
It to used to be truly a cheap meat for your family.
Well now, Not the same, It cost me over fourteen dollars for four pounds of Hamburger.
This is a shame, Under Left Wing Messiah Obama food costs in this country have skyrocketed, Taxes, Regulations, Tree Hugging rule have destroyed our true American families. The only people living the good life anymore are those on food stamps who do not give two shit's about the price of a pound of ground beef.
Today when going to a shop to purchase a new shirt for work.
You can not find anything that is made in America, Everything is made over sea's and shipped here, That is because of Liberal rules , Taxes, and Regulations.
Making labor cost too expensive to be made here.
An American made shirt would cost you $150.00.
Lefty lib's push for a better minimum wage, These policy's have driven costs up for absolutely everyone in America, Liberals truly do not understand that a minimum wage job is supposed to be a "Starter Job" not a lifetime career. American business can not pay an un skilled employee $15.00 dollars an hour Period.
Liberals have taken away hard work and self reliance, They and they alone have created "The Handout Society"
Our country is under attack by the left, Young folks today truly do not stand much of a chance of successfulness.
They have unfortunately been sold a bill of goods by their leftist union school teachers, and college professors.
America is no longer that shiny city on a hill.
Leftist radicals have turned our once great country into a weak and lazy, Moral less, God Less, Victim society.
America has the highest Corporate tax structure of any Industrialized nation.
Now wonder Companies left this country.
They couldn't afford to stay in Business here.
Until We the people wake up to these well known facts, Our once great country is doomed.
This radical leftist "Obama admin" have ruled and regulated our America to death.
The folks that think like Obama have destroyed our American families.
I hope people will read this and think of how these leftist democrats are thrashing our countries families.
And wake up to the fact, That this can not continue to happen.
Our children and our grand children will have nothing.
American's must get a grip on our countries leaders and say enough is enough.
Vance Keaton
Phoenix, AZ