Friday, September 20, 2019

Is there an actual Real "GOD?"

So today I shall try not to upset too many folks. But I have been of a certain belief system my entire life.

Who is, or who was “GOD”?

Did one man “God” create individual Humans?

OR, was it a Man, who was an advanced race person, with a team of scientists?

I certainly have an issue with the One Man as “GOD” Theory.

How could one “GOD” “person” live for thousands of years?

It’s certainly more believable that a Man, of an advanced race came to earth in some sort of spaceship vehicle. Who the ancient peoples saw as a “GOD” because of his utter advancements.

They weren’t  familiar with advanced space people or vehicles. So I believe that a space race of advanced technological people came to earth, set up an advanced city. Then began their scientific experimentations. Monitoring the weather, our oceans, our temperatures, animal migrations, and much more.

Ancient people saw they’re coming and goings often.  Some actually communicated with these “Gods”, while others feared the strangers.

What actually was the purpose of the space visitors being on earth? Did they crash land here? Was it an actual planned trip? Did they arrive here from their own dying planet? Was earth similar to their planet? Or was it purely because they required mineral or other resources from Earth?

Science truly doesn’t appear to have an answer to any of these particular questions.

If the “GODS” Left Earth, where did they go?

If the “GODS” staid where are they now?

When arriving upon planet earth, was it an exploration team of advanced people? Or was it actually Families of Husband and Wife teams from an advanced culture?

I have fought with these ideas my entire life

If there was an advanced culture that crash landed on our planet, where is the actual wreckage? Or was it sort of recycled into other things?

I believe the "Anunnaki" story is pretty detailed and the closets that you will ever get to the actual truth.  An advanced culture came here from a very distant planet, and they required Gold and minerals to repair their planet, so they sent an exploratory team here to earth to do scientific investigations.

So Humans were created in “Gods” Image and Likeness, So by using scientific “DNA” experimentation they the “"Anunnaki" Created Us, Human Kind.

They required people, to perform certain types of work for them so they required a worker society. That is where we all evolved from.

It certainly wasn’t monkeys or apes as Darwin would have us believe. It was actually a creation, binding and using their own DNA to actually create Humans; we were New, and ultra-creation, the first of its kind on earth. Yes that is actually us.

Is there an actual “GOD” to worship? If you believe there is well then the answer is yes.

My question is this, “Will”the actual ancient GODS ever return? And what will they think of their Creation now?

Remember that the "Anunnaki" are large strong people, they are ultra-intelligent and successful. This is why the majority of humans are hardworking and dedicated employees.  My Grandfather was a Stone mason who built fieldstone fireplaces he worked 10, 12, 14 hours a day, and was truly dedicated to his trade, My father was a woodsman, rancher, long haul truck driver, and law enforcement officer, always worked hard long hours and was certainly a dedicated man, I have always worked long strange hours and up to (3) jobs at a time. This is part of our DNA structure from the space people who created us.

Now needless to say, so folks have lost this DNA string. It’s been lost through breading and cultural failures. But millions still have this. It’s actually a human trait that other species do not have. I urge any of you who like me question our history of human kind, Read the book of Enoch, and Read a book from Zecharia Sitchin , He actually has translated the ancient  Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets. It’s certainly very informative. More investigation is being done as we speak. Its utterly obvious beyond question that the "Anunnakis” civilization was truly advanced and not from this earth.  They’re spacecraft’s were large and powerful vehicles, because they are much larger type people that what we are. The actual doorways of their structures were at times over 22’ tall. The more you investigate and study the more interesting information you will find.


Thanks for Reading and following along, Please feel free to comment.

Sincerely Yours

Vance Keaton

Phoenix, Arizona

















Thursday, September 5, 2019

I certainly encourage all Patriotic Americans to HOME SCHOOL

With  all the talk about Uber Socialism lately, The leftists are acting like they can tell everyone what to do. People must stop being drones for the left. To me being born in the US, raised in the US by hard working American citizens, Patriotic Americans, We had a forty foot flagpole and flew Old Glory everyday, A lot of my family members are, were members of the United States Military.
We all believe in supporting American values and Capitalism, Since Capitalism is the absolute only means to building yourself up from nothing. In a Socialist environment, If your father was a plumber, You will be a plumber because you haven't opportunity. Everyone is the same Unless you are on of the lucky wealthy ones. TRUST that Bernie Sanders isn't telling you the truth. What we should be demanding is Mr. Sanders Tax returns. He is certainly a Wealthy Capitalist. he is truly a multi millionaire selling Socialism to utter disgrace idiots. Bernie Sanders is truly just another fake revolutionary. 

People on the left have been utterly indoctrinated into become a self unknowing Hitler youth. They aren't happy with our country being the most successful country in the world. Because the truth is, We became that through hard work, self preservation, and our Moral guidance, Believing in our founders and frames words about Freedom and Liberty.
Now the Obama leftist worshippers are trying to tear down this country. WHY? Because they believe that the wealthiest country in the history of the world , Should be giving them something for nothing.
Hard work and self preservation is a thing of the past as is common sense.

Why is this? answer Because Leftism has taken over the American educational system and teachers unions.
I certainly encourage all Patriotic Americans to HOME SCHOOL , This truly is the only way that your children will actually learn anything about our founders and framers and the bill of rights.
Think about this "Schools" aren't teaching your children about accounting or even how to write a check and balance a checkbook.

They certainly aren't teaching your children about the Revolutionary war, and that Muskets were the common weapon of the day. Everyone had one. The Armament was equal. and the British lost.
Today the AR - 15 rifle is the Musket of today. They are being used by everyone, Law enforcement and Military. So why shouldn't American citizens also own them right.
Leftists will say that I am wrong in my thinking. However I certainly am not.
Leftists intend for weapon banning and weapon confiscation.
You must not allow the left to take over your freedom and liberty.
IF You Do.. Remember Hitler put the entire population onto Slave Labor trains while leaving their packed baggage behind. If you allow this well then you are just utterly stupid.

Don't think with emotions, Use your actual brain. The leftists hope that you will become emotional and just hand you weapons over to government. You must question yourselves to why these mass shootings are happening. Not putting the blame onto the weapon instead of the person doing these shootings.

Take a look at each and every shooter and find out who they are and what motivated them.
Is it utter hate, did they just seek power and control?
Millions and Millions of legal law abiding gun owners aren't committing shootings. As a matter of FACT, many American gun owners actually stop crimes and also step in to assist and save the lives of law enforcement officers across this nation, However.. It certainly doesn't get reported upon by the leftist indoctrination media.

You must continue your belief in GOD, You must continue to believe that Jesus Christ is your only savior. YOU MUST CONTINUE To believe in your family first, your country first.
This is certainly why I support President Donald J. Trump, The first President in decades to finally put America first. 

If you agree with me please follow and comment

Sincerely Yours
Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Leftist "LIBERAL" Mindset

The left aka Leftists ... Progressives, They know what is best for you. They would certainly dis arm every Legal American citizen. Just as Hitler accomplished with the Jewish population in Germany.
They believe the "GUNS" are the problem. Which most Constitutional Americans realize is an utter crook of BS. AR-15's are mostly black in color and appear utterly scary. However, Today's AR type rifles are the Modern  Musket of the past. Back in the 1700's nearly everyone own a Musket for protection and Hunting purposes, They were certainly common weapons used by the Military British , French, and Americans . Same as the AR type firearms of today, Used by Police/Sheriff departments, ATF, Border Security, Military, and also used by Legal American Gun Owners for personal home protection, hunting. The actual only difference is the multiple rounds argument.
I'm certain that the British would have utterly adored if the French and the Americans would have just handed over their weapons "MUSKETS" during the Revolutionary War. As the leftists today are intending for you to do. Because it makes Government "Takeovers" entirely easier.
Liberals..Leftists do not give a damn how you feel about the 2nd Amendment, They intend to shred it in front of you. They certainly intend to put you un armed onto the Progressive slave labor trains.
Same with the 1st Amendment, They hate the fact that we have a right to speak out against their agenda of utter take over. Don't leave your bags at the curb and climb aboard the Progressive train, The results will be deadly for you and your family. You must use your voice and speak out. If not America is dead. I was banned from posting on Facebook for 30 days , Because I stated a "FACT" saying that it was absolutely against the Law to be Illegal in America. The leftists do not intend for you to be able to speak TRUTH. as I said they HATE it.
They absolutely seek to REMOVE your right of Religion, your right to a GOOD actual education, The right of self Protection, Your right to be PRO LIFE. Folks if you hold Conservative beliefs THEY actually HATE YOU. This is certainly a fact. They seek Government to be "GOD" they intend that you bow at the feet of Government. IF NOT .. get on the Progressive Work Camp Train.
Think about why Leftist , Liberal, Democrats are against Voter ID, why wouldn't anyone actually want to know that everyone voting in our US system was actually a US Citizen?
Makes sense to me right. However I as a working American citizen taxpayer want FAIR elections.
The Leftist mindset is this .. IT Doesn't Matter who votes. WHY? Because they truly seek Majority RULE. They seek to have illegal criminals voting in our elections. Because they believe they have rights.. Just like legal citizens, PURE and UTTER Craziness RIGHT!!!  answer YES.
Stalinism  is the new Progressive Mantra.   You must do as they say, OR they intend the Government to make you obey by force. People hold onto your weapons and religion. Home School your children get them away from the FORCED Indoctrination camps of the Leftist American education system.
Teachers Unions are utterly corruption filled and truly evil enterprises. You owe your children much better. If you aren't Flying OLD GLORY at your home or business YOU certainly should begin.
Nothing pisses off the Leftists more than actual Patriotism . Folks please do not allow yourself to be silenced by the left. YOUR life and livelihood depend on your own personal freedom and liberty.
Thank you for reading the truth
Follow along

Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona