Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell was born in Huntsville, Texas in 1975.
A graduate of BUD/S Class 228, he was the only survivor of the fateful events of June 28, 2005 in Afghanistan. Luttrell and three teammates from SEAL Team TEN were assigned to a reconnaissance mission, operation RED WING, in the Hindu-Kush mountain region of Afghanistan. Their objective was to gather intelligence on Taliban movement in the area. Luttrell’s team was eventually discovered and outnumbered by over 200 Taliban fighters. Petty Officer Luttrell was the only to survive enemy contact. In the rescue mission that ensued, 16 Special Forces personnel, including 8 Seals, died when their helicopter was shot down by Taliban fighters. It was the largest single-day loss of life in the SEALs’ history.
In 2006, Petty Officer Luttrell was awarded the Navy Cross for combat heroism.
His full story is documented in his heroic account of the operation, entitled: Lone Survivor.
NOW Some Scumbag Punks, Killed his beloved Dog!!!
For What? What did these JOYRIDING Baggy pant wearing Scum get out of Murdering a Innocent pet?
On Thursday I believe it was, Wednesday or Thursday about 1:00 a.m., Marcus is a guy who doesn't sleep anymore at night. He sleeps during the daytime. And about 1:00 he happened to be awake and he heard a gunshot. He lives on a ranch with his mother in Texas. He grabs his gun and he goes outside. There he sees, I believe it was four. It may be three but I believe it was four young men 18 to 24 years old, all of them, where they had just shot his dog. Marcus' dog is named Dasy. Each letter represents D A S Y represents one of the fallen members of his team. It was given to him in recovery to help him through the recovery process. This dog means everything to Marcus. Marcus had his gun and he took it out and he put it right between the eyes of one of the guys. He was standing away from them, pointed right between the eyes. Now, here's a SEAL team member who is wildly, he's just, he is having trouble, man. He is still recovering from his injuries. He had just gotten out of surgery. He's standing there with a gun between the guy's eyes. He doesn't fire. All four and he's just saying, "You killed my dog." They executed his dog. "You killed my dog. Why would you do that?" They run. They get into his car. Marcus gets into his truck, chases them over four counties, finally runs them into a ditch. He calls the Rangers. The Texas Rangers arrive and these guys, when the Texas Rangers are taking these guys away, Marcus has held them there by a gun. As the Rangers are taking these guys away, they're threatening Marcus' life and saying, "When we get out, we're coming for you next. First it was your dog. It's going to be you next. You don't know who you're messin' with." That's when Marcus kind of snapped just a little bit and said to the Ranger, "Excuse me, ranger, do you know who I am?" He said, "Yes, sir, Mr. Luttrell, I do." He said, "You might want to explain to these punks because I could have killed them 600 different ways and if I wanted to kill you guys after what you would have done what you just did to my dog, I would have pulled you down into my basement and I would have tortured you for days and you wouldn't have died until you begged me for death. So before you start saying you're going to come after me, you better learn who you've just whose dog you just killed."
Marcus' dog is named Dasy. Each letter represents D A S Y represents one of the fallen members of his team. It was given to him in recovery to help him through the recovery process. This dog means everything to Marcus.
I will do everything in my power to bring these scumbags to justice
and to help the Honorable Navy Seal to deal with his grief.
I am outraged that these punks have nothing better to do, then drive around and "KILL" people's beloved pets.
This is completely a SIGN of terrible Parenting! Bottom Line
Did these puke ass punks not have pets at their homes? why are they heartless beasts?
IF IT WERE up to ME, all of these beasts would be hung up in the street and we would all watch them die!
I for one am an animal lover, and if someone had shot by "Blue Heel er" as they did this mans, I would not have showed the restraint this Navy Seal did. Believe me!
Please America I am asking that you pray for justice, and healing for this American hero, and pray that the sole of his adoring loving pet makes it to Rainbow Bridge.
God Bless this Navy Seal and American Hero.
and lets see True Texas Justice done
This is the Walker County Sheriff Dept info
American Patriots from all over the country is reaching out
and I would like it if you did also
Thanks Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
this made me so sick, i cried.
ReplyDeleteVery sad article on Mr.Luttell a navy seal. I figured he has served his country to the fullest than this happens to him. How much can a person take?? I wish him well and that sould pay him for all this grief.
ReplyDeleteDan. AZ
My heart is aching for Marcus and dasy. All I can do is pray that Marcus gets through this.
ReplyDeleteHe is my hero.
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