Liberalism all started under JF Kennedy in the 1960's
this has been the demise of the United States of America for several years.
Those bleeding heart hippy War protestors were the first Lib Tards to this country, The Draft Dodging pants pissers that ran from their country in fear and went to Socialized Canada because they were afraid to spill blood for America, I have no pity or mercy for any of them, Personally I feel that they should have all been hung until death in the street so to leave a message for other like minded traitors. I proudly and honorably served my country, I would never abandon or leave my country in a time of need ever...Period! Now in these times we have these f'ed up bleeding heart liberals in our court systems, our law enforcement agency's and our congress, it is indeed a shame.
These people run our schools and teach our children, These idiots know nothing of our forefathers nor how this country was founded.
It truly is a shame, They write the school books and lie to our children.
This is one huge reason for our countries demise.
Our children today have little if any morals, and little if any self control.
Little if any pride and no sense of honor. Why? Because look at what they are around, Liberal parents, Liberal Teachers, and they are now told its alright to be gay and not attend church, Only 36% of our children are actually completely high school these days and achieving a diploma.
Yes it is a very troubling time.
People such as Van Jones is allowed into the People's White House?
You have got to be kidding me...Period
This Far Left American Terroristic Radical is allowed to sit with our President..NO WAY! Our President gets advise from these people?
What the F*ck!!
I bet this man drives a Toyota also, The far left doesn't give one good shit about this country. Hope and Change? What a farce, These are people whom hate this country Period. If we do not learn from History we are only doomed to repeat it. Van Jones doesn't understand that Blacks sold Blacks, during the slavery period, But he wants Payback for Slavery even though he was never a slave. The payback is Hope and Change..Period
Some Americans have started to wake up but not nearly enough as yet.
By the time they sleeping one do it will already be too late.
They blacks where awake during the election that was for sure.
Thinking about all that free Government Cheese they were going to be entitled to, Now the older smart wise Blacks knew it was a farce, But the young ones saw Hope and Change, and remember NOT All blacks voted Obama and NOT All blacks are like Van Jones. I served in the Military with some very good Black people, and through my Life have know some very good Black people, BUT the Far Left would have you thinking that all whites and all blacks are Racists...Period
But now we all “Of all Races” have a Far Left staff at the white house.
And now if you disagree with the new African American Presidents policy's your are made out as a racist or angry mob no matter your race.
Liberals such as Pelosi Frank and Obama are taking our country down the road of destruction right in front of our eyes.
As I drive around my neighborhood and my country I hardly ever see anyone flying old glory any more, “What Happened”?
Well I will explain it, it's very simple indeed
“People are no longer Proud of their Country” Period
The Far Left Liberals have poisoned the American people.
It hurts me to think that I fought for a country that has been made weak.
It makes me sad to think that the far left of this country was “LET” take down the Banks and Car Companies of My , Our , Country.
Ask yourselves this “Why was it allowed”?
The Far left thieves to make you weak and vulnerable, Thats why.
The Far Left wants to have you in the gutter weak and poor SO it will be easier to crush you and take your rights.. Thats is reality people.
The weak and poor do not put up much of a fight.
Will you just lye there and take it , awaiting your needed Oh Boma Cheese or will you rise up awakened and alert, and fight the hard fight.
It's all up to you people
write your Government People, call your Government People
Show you have a voice, Show that THE MAN can't keep you down
Sincerely Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ
Main Entry: fas·cism
ReplyDelete1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime ,that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
You my friend is a fascist when you make statements like, "I feel that they should have all been hung until death in the street so to leave a message for other like minded traitors. I proudly and honorably served my country, I would never abandon or leave my country in a time of need ever"
Explain to me why America was in dire need for military action against Vietnam? Please, You type of bloggers are wreckless.
There can never be justice on stolen land, Look at what your so called Proud Country did to the men of West Virginia in 1921 at the "Battle of Blair Mountain" , The U.S Govt took sides with their "Fellow Rich" corporate buddies the coal barons. Also remember who fought against those men of Blair Mountain, the Military of America... aka Pawns of the wealthy
But that means you might have to do research on your own country and that is to much work. You rather the fairy tale story of Merikkka that your high school taught you.
Why did God give you fingers? He should take them away so you can't type this idiotic bullshit
ReplyDeletewhy is this guy "Anonymous"?
ReplyDeletewhy is the left wing affraid?
You have proven my point.
ReplyDeleteInstead of putting together a rebuttal about the need for military action in Vietnam or The Battle of Blair Mountain. You attack the messenger, classic tactic of clueless Pawn.
And to claim that I must be left wing? Another great example of your foolish thought process.
I don't fall for your paradigm shift politics. I believe in self reliance / peace in humanity not poltical party lines.
Ideas of self reliance has been expressed by writers like Peter Kropotkin, Ralph Emerson and Emma Goldman. Since you probably only read things that have fairy tales of men walking on water or news articles on Infowars you have no idea who those authors are..
I recommend reading Noam Chomsky or better yet here is a short video from one of those most prolific American Historians Howard Zinn.
Get OFF the KOOL AID, and start learning your American empire history....
My name is Leslie.
ReplyDeleteBillBlizzard's comment has more logical sound argumentative purpose and truth than this entire ridiculous racist propaghandic hateful misinformed blog. Learn the truth Vance.
Sorry Vance, I don't know you personally I just stumbled on your blog and felt the need to bring some different perspectives to the argument.
ReplyDeleteI still appreciate your service...
"If we do not learn from History we are only doomed to repeat it. "
ReplyDeleteAmen brother. Preach that.
What's the biggest problem right now? The economy? I hope we take your advice and not let "The Right" make any say in financial matters. You know like they did when Reagan appointed Donald Regan to Treasury Secretary and really started those fantastic Reagonomics that got us to the gang-rape of the middle and lower class that we're at now.
If we can apply more of your stunning and ground-breaking intelligence to situations like that I think we might just make it through this. In fact I would like to invite you to take a Freedom Bath with me where we can discuss the evils of free thinkers and other countries. Maybe even wash ourselves with Hero Soap (You're a vet, so you call the shots, right!? Sorry I said shots don't get all PTSD on me).
Until then I will turn your brilliance into a blanket and wrap myself into it. Who am I kidding; a Snuggie made in China would better hold itself together.
awaiting your needed Oh Boma Cheese or will you rise up awakened and alert, and fight the hard fight.
ReplyDeleteIt's all up to you people
PS a difference is good
as long as you stand for what right for your country.