Thursday, June 28, 2012

America in Destrution Mode

America in Destruction Mode

Well King Obama has done it, Our path to destruction has begun, The King has met the liberal agenda of Socialism.

Obama Care will now do its part to close American business's, Then when they fail the Government will take them over, its called complete and utter Socialism.

Today Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress, But nothing will happen. Radical leftists in our government will stop any punishment.

It is the same thing that never happened to the radical Black Panthers. Eric Holder refused to punish these black panthers for voter intimidation, and our liberals in congress will refuse to punish Holder simply because he is a radical black leftist.

Our Government killed innocent native Americans at Wounded Knee just as our Supreme Court and Mr. Obama is now killing our middle class and our American small business owners today, I see no difference between the two. Our American freedom and liberty is the “Ghost Dance” and now our own liberal piece of shit government is forcing us to give up or die. Obama and his radical leftist administration can now force us to purchase anything that it seeks. Liberalism has destroyed the American dream of freedom and liberty.

The American dream is the “Ghost Dance” and now this corrupted liberal Obama has made it die, We are now all prisoners of the King.

I feel indeed very sad for our children and grand children, they just had the American dream ripped from them,They are buried in National debt and paying for the laziness of other Americans and illegals. Sadly for them they have been highly indoctrinated to just except it. Like good willing sheep they will. They haven’t been taught to have the will to fight. They will gladly march right over that Obama cliff and get aboard that Obama train. Yes America is now just a weak,bankrupt,socialist country. What a crying shame!

Our lives and lively hood has been sold down the socialism creek.

Obama will now tax our lives, and tax our lively hood, soon Food Lines in the streets, Redistribution of wealth has began. The fundamental change has taken place, The collapse of America is here.

Our government has just imposed their radical rules upon you, your freedom and liberty has just been taken from you. The next thing to go is your 2nd Amendment right, then your 1st Amendment right will be gone, Then we will have succeed the liberal goal, a Communistic Utopia, We as American citizens will have created our own demise, Our children will be the worst damaged by all of this. They wont wake up for years to come, Its too late now for our country to turn back onto the right track, we are finished. No matter what the election results are this November our nation is screwed.

Our own US Supreme Court sold out the people this week, and they will just continue to do the same for the remainder of their terms.

All of our lives are controlled and imposed on everyday by the too over reaching government. Unless massive numbers of citizens fight back against this Communistic Government.

They are now illegally flying drones over our private homes and back yards, They are illegally monitoring our internet use, They are illegally searching our medical records, Our liberal government is very intrusive to our private lives. Many will just sit and do nothing, I refuse to allow my Country to go to hell, I will continue to fight for what I believe is right. Our Founding Fathers had no intentions of having our Nation under control of a King, They ran from such intrusive government and started a New Country, and new country that believed in empowering the people to make discussions one their own, Not the people being mandated and controlled by a King. Our founding fathers would toss in their graves if the could witness the massive government intrusion into our lives today.

I am ashamed of what the United States of America has turned into today. Our great nation is now lost and will never be able to make a comeback from the failure of this President.

Vance Keaton

Phoenix AZ

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