Thursday, August 1, 2019

Facebook Fascism

Today’s Facebook is certainly appalling, it’s utterly a disgrace of a communication website, What it actually is today, Is a group of young leftist democrats sitting in a darkened room Removing the individual right of free speech from Conservative folks.
I posted a picture of President Trump walking in a garden with Kim the leader of North Korea, there is a man wearing glasses on the ground in the garden, President Trump says Democrat.. and Kim saying Step on it... actually it was humorous, However the leftist party at Facebook engaged in telling me that it was labeled Hate speech... lol, Can you actually believe this petty agenda oriented bs. What this is, Is actually discrimination against Republicans. Nothing more! It’s certainly obvious.
Do you remember the Nazis book burning and utter indoctrination of the Hitler youth? Because this is it. Leftist democrats seeking to Silence your ability to speak openly and freely in your own country. They certainly seek to abolish your rights and religious freedom. They seek to abolish your First and 2nd Amendment rights.
People are you actually paying attention? What activity or freedoms will your children and grandchildren have in another 10 years? 
If leftist democrats get power back, People Control is all that they seek 
Do yourself a favor and search out and read The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. Democrats are utterly the new Communist party without question.
They seek control over every aspect of your life, this is truly why they seek high speed rail, it’s certainly much easier to control your travel, this is why Communist countries have high speed rail instead of airplanes and airports. This is also why you must qualify to be able to actually own or drive a car. 
I’m certainly not kidding when I tell you that Facebook is the new Nazi party, they are controlling your speech through indoctrination tactics and the democrats media.
If they disagree with what you say.. it’s labeled so called Hate speech. This is what we’ve become people. Now you can either give up... Or fight back, What are you going to do? You must decide today, are you going to allow yourself and your children and grandchildren to live under a Nazi style Democrat dominated society? Or do you choose freedom? 

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