Monday, August 26, 2019

Full Time in an Rv and YouTube

So what is the deal with all of the full time RV’ers on YouTube these days, several dozen have YouTube channels and get paid to make videos. Most certainly are boring, the sound quality is horrible, the subject matter is boring. For the money it takes to purchase and the literal amount of hassle it takes to actually drive a Suburban towing a 36 ft travel trailer, or driving a motor home towing a vehicle, trying to get in or out of the gas station, and hook ing up the water, power and sewer every day, and then draining and flushing the water tanks. Add into this the cost of fuel. Then you have to eat at truck stops, because it’s utterly hard to try and find a parking spot for something over fifty feet long, so you can not just pull off the highway anytime you see a nice restaurant. You ever get behind these folks? White knuckle driving, 25 mph in the mountains. For what they spend on their RV and travel, some campgrounds are $68.00 - $86.00 a night to stay. I certainly can see everything they see, without the cost or hassle, I could purchase a very nice used Lincoln town car, and stay at the nicest motels, and have an actual hot shower every night, and choose to eat anywhere I wanted. For a third of what they pay. It might be for some people but it certainly isn’t for me. What are your thoughts?
Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona

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