Saturday, June 8, 2013

Americans under attack

Americans under attack

I warned you all about Barack Hussein Obama back in 2007, He was the unknown man.
He had Bill Ayres as a neighborhood friend, He sat in Rev Wrights church for 20 years and never heard, Wights un Godly comments. His best friend was his mentor, His mentor was a certified Marxist. Mr. Obama was out to fundamentally transform The United States of America into a third world country. His followers weren’t smart enough to see what a future with Barack Hussein Obama would be like.
See now we have what actually Big Government is, Its called Tyranny! And attack on the citizens of this United States of America.
It's a full fledged attack from Government on the citizens of this country.
Its an attack on the US Constitution, Its an attack on free speech, Its an attack on Lawful Gun Owners, Its an attack on the hard working tax payers, Its an attack on religious freedom, Its an attack on our personal freedom and liberty and privacy.
This is big Government control, This is the world of life Under Mr. Obama and the liberal democrats. They have now made American's even more fearful of the Government.
Mr. Obama has stated that the war on Terror with Muslims is over, Well now there is still a war , However now it is a war on the citizens of America.
He doesn’t enforce laws that would have illegal criminals arrested and deported. But now the US Obama Government will go against its own citizens.
Yes folks it called Tyranny!!
We the people can not by any means Trust the Government...That is plain to see now.
It appears that the Obama Government is corrupted thru out all agency's.
This is how Marxism starts , They infiltrate and take over from the inside, Folks its here and it has happened. How can this Un Known Obama fellow Govern? He cant nor did he ever want to. This is what life looks like under a Far Leftist dictator.
He is going to now tell you “TOO BAD” live with it. He already told you that a long time ago. He said “Elections have consequences” That’s what he meant...”He King Obama will now control you”
This Government fly's helicopters over your homes and thru flur vision they photograph your home, They monitor your private phone calls, You spy on our internet surfing, You send your goons to harass political groups for which you do not agree with.
People this is Marxism, its all done from the inside, and the people who follow directions, Because they know whats best for you!
I personally find this shameful. Our Founding Fathers would hate this Tyranny.
The Government has secret courts? Whats the need! Whats wrong with a regular court?
Why is the Government of the people for the people by the people, Need to have a secret court? This is indeed very suspicious of it self. This doesn’t sound like its not for the people that is for certain.
Trust Mr. Obama? Trust Hillary Clinton? Trust Susan Rice? Trust Eric Holder? Oh hell no!! You couldn’t pay me to trust this Government!!
With the election of Obama, we have self inflicted tyranny. I like many say this coming with the election of far left radical democrats.
I hope all these scandals with the corrupted Obama administration has been an eye opener for some.
The Folks need to take a good deep breath and start investigating their Government.

Thanks for reading and paying attention
God Bless you in your endeavors.

Vance Keaton

Phoenix AZ