Monday, August 26, 2019

Full Time in an Rv and YouTube

So what is the deal with all of the full time RV’ers on YouTube these days, several dozen have YouTube channels and get paid to make videos. Most certainly are boring, the sound quality is horrible, the subject matter is boring. For the money it takes to purchase and the literal amount of hassle it takes to actually drive a Suburban towing a 36 ft travel trailer, or driving a motor home towing a vehicle, trying to get in or out of the gas station, and hook ing up the water, power and sewer every day, and then draining and flushing the water tanks. Add into this the cost of fuel. Then you have to eat at truck stops, because it’s utterly hard to try and find a parking spot for something over fifty feet long, so you can not just pull off the highway anytime you see a nice restaurant. You ever get behind these folks? White knuckle driving, 25 mph in the mountains. For what they spend on their RV and travel, some campgrounds are $68.00 - $86.00 a night to stay. I certainly can see everything they see, without the cost or hassle, I could purchase a very nice used Lincoln town car, and stay at the nicest motels, and have an actual hot shower every night, and choose to eat anywhere I wanted. For a third of what they pay. It might be for some people but it certainly isn’t for me. What are your thoughts?
Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona

The masked leftist democrats and their political lies

I Certainly find it amusing that liberals believe the lies they’ve been told about the Dixiecrats or the Southern Strategy, Don’t believe a single word of what they tell you, because it’s merely a bucket of bullshyt. The masked leftist democrats would have you believe that the entire south switched from democrats to republicans... when in actuality only two democrats switched over to become republicans. 96% of all actual democrats voted against the Civil Rights movement. The so called southern strategy, well all that was, Was just a way of trying to win, democrats talking to Urban Republicans about voting for democrats instead of republicans. Big deal right. Happens every day in America. Democrats have certainly been telling lies for decades. It’s absolutely been proven with out question that Southern Plantation...aka Actual slave owners, were purely Wealthy Northern Democrats who moved south in order to become more wealthy through their production of cotton. Not one actual republican family owned a single slave. In all actuality the civil war wasn’t about slavery, it certainly was about the northern democrats trying to hold the south back from becoming industrialized and wealthy. I hope you have been paying attention here, and we must deny the leftist democrats and stop the indoctrination of our young people.

Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Well the American Leftists hate you

Did you vote for Donald J. Trump?
Yes I did
To actually save and restore our country from radical leftist democrats.
I want the rule of law and the US Constitution, what about you?
I like and appreciate the 1st and 2nd Amendment, What about you?
I do not intend for our country to become a Socialist / Communist Shythole !!!

Are more Americans awakening?
Answer ... Who really knows
More and More younger people are being heavily indoctrinated in radical leftists.
Tossing the US Constitution into the literal trash and excepting the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and being better. Its utterly shameful indeed

What will it take for American Citizens to wake up?

My Thoughts
Vance Keaton
Phoenix AZ

God bless you all

Monday, August 5, 2019

Disarmament of Americans

Well Fellow Law abiding American citizens taxpayers, aka Working Americans.
In consideration of these latest killings, I wanna just have a conversation with you.
As you know, Our country is truly lost. Young people with AR -15’s and the like, openly shooting up places, organized killers after truly innocent people. Why?
Are they part of the anti gun Leftist democrats?
Are they just mentally ill ?
Are they utter brainwashed killers?
What makes young people become outraged killers?
Violence and video games?
No adult father in the home?
So what is it?

Is there simply too much violence on television?
Was it because of the lack of actual parenting?

So please tell me what Universal Background checks would have stopped any of these shootings?
These guys hadn’t committed any crime until now, even with the utmost leftist democrat universal background checks in place, these weapons could still have been bought legally.
However democrats insist that if we just had back ground checks, all illegal gun crime would outright stop. It’s certainly a laugh to listen to the democrats.

The actual truth is this, there is only one way to stop a bad person with a gun who intends to do harm.
Harm must come to the person, from a good person with a gun.
Think about this, Chicago has one of the utmost corruption filled cities, utterly dosed with guns, legal and illegal. So a armed man is on your street, shooting, you mean not one brave Chicago Gang banger broke out his handgun? To go after the man killing innocent people.
That’s correct folks, why? Because bangers are no better or different from these other armed criminals. They both only kill people who aren’t capable of protecting them selves.
If am armed ccw carrying citizen had been there, they certainly would have been able to shoot and kill the shooter. Life you truly see is much safer with more legal armed citizens.
However leftist democrats will tell you no, They will say you will be much safer after we the democrats confiscate your guns, but how safe were the Jewish population after the Nazis..democrats confiscated they’re weapons?
Didn’t they end up going on to Nazi public transportation trains to far away labor camps?
The women being used for Nazi sex slaves, and concentration camp workers?
Yes this is absolutely what exactly did happen.

Now I certainly agree that none of us need so called bump stocks, or massive drum magazines.
But Uber leftist democrat gun control... aka utterly appalling total disgrace confiscation?
So will America actually have to have another independence war?
Consider the leftist party the British, Consider yourself Our Founders and Framers.
How does it end?
Considering that the AR-15 is certainly today’s Musket.
Will you lie down your arms and utterly surrender?
Or will you give your life to your country, what is freedom and liberty to you?
Personally myself, I certainly must fight... Protecting my country, and my family against foreign or domestic terrorism, which includes terrorism from the leftist democrats party against my family.
Racism? No, this certainly isn’t anything about racism.
Me, actually couldn’t care any less about the color of anyone’s skin.
If you are actually that type of person, this blog isn’t for you.
It’s absolutely about a Flag and about a Country.

Wake up American Citizens
Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona  

Friday, August 2, 2019

Leftist Hate in America

The masked leftist democrats party have certainly become the party of utter disgrace and hate.
They blame the Right as the haters, However people who are on the right, believing of the will of our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution aren’t violent folks. The greatest majority are hard working honest people who just intend to make our country better and stronger, For our children and grandchildren’s future. We believe in the freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment, in order of the actual protection of America’s freedom and liberty.
The masked leftist democrats party have utterly become violent revolutionaries, their hero’s are Cubans Castro, and Russia’s Stalin, and use Alinskys rules for radicals. Hate speech is anything that they disagree with. They certainly have become just sad little people Since Trump was elected.
The country is truly lost if the Obama democrats ever regain power.

Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona
Please follow and continue supporting our America First President

Leftist democrat destruction

Today’s leftist democrats seek to provide protection for criminal illegals who have entered our country like a flock of locust.
Providing them with your hard earned taxpayers dollars for healthcare and housing
Democrats care about these utter embarrassment criminals, But certainly don’t care about you the American citizens
It’s certainly appalling

Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona

Thursday, August 1, 2019

America and Slavery, the Truth

Many Americans really haven’t a clue when it comes to talking about actual slavery.
First off.. Who actually brought the African people to our country?
Answer Muslims, Muslim people were travelers and traders, they had great sailing vessels. They arrived on the shores of Africa, the Capitan of the ship would have a meeting with the Tribal leaders, the tribal leaders would decide which of their people would be sold. The Muslims would purchase and then sailed to America, an auction in the south would be arranged by plantation owners, and the slaves would be purchased, and the Muslims would leave on another voyage,

Now who actually were the Plantation owners?
Answer. Actually they were Wealthy Northern  Industrialist , who relocated to the south, in order to make themselves more wealthy, through the money crops of Big Cotton and Tobacco.

How did the Plantation owners treat their slaves?
Answer. Most certainly better than their own family, because they’re families weren’t making them money. Slaves usually had their own cabins with some type of heating whether it be a wood burning fireplace or wood burning stove, most Plantation owners only heated one room of their large homes in the winter, they had curtains which blocked one room off from the others, the family would stay in just the one room until spring. Because it certainly was too much effort and cost to heat the entire home.
The slaves received doctor visits and medication, where some family members did not.
Plantation owners intended to keep their workers in decent health, because if the field workers were sick , production would be lessened. So the actual majority of slaves were taken care of. Not beaten as exaggerated in the agenda related movie Roots .

There are certainly numerous stories of Plantation owners Going out of they’re way to continually try to get ill slaves healthy again.
Both George Washington and Andrew Jackson walked in blizzard conditions to get medication for sick workers, George Washington himself caught Phenomia doing the task.
Andrew Jackson had a black home maid who took care of his sickly wife, Jackson weeping and deeply mourning the loss of his maid. He gave her a Glorious funeral.

So please, Stop believing our leftist indoctrination media, if you seek truth, it must be you to find it.
Stop allowing tv shows to give you information.
They certainly haven’t Your best interest in mind, it’s absolutely saddening and only agenda driven.

I hope I can help you Wake Up
Sincerely Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona

Facebook Fascism

Today’s Facebook is certainly appalling, it’s utterly a disgrace of a communication website, What it actually is today, Is a group of young leftist democrats sitting in a darkened room Removing the individual right of free speech from Conservative folks.
I posted a picture of President Trump walking in a garden with Kim the leader of North Korea, there is a man wearing glasses on the ground in the garden, President Trump says Democrat.. and Kim saying Step on it... actually it was humorous, However the leftist party at Facebook engaged in telling me that it was labeled Hate speech... lol, Can you actually believe this petty agenda oriented bs. What this is, Is actually discrimination against Republicans. Nothing more! It’s certainly obvious.
Do you remember the Nazis book burning and utter indoctrination of the Hitler youth? Because this is it. Leftist democrats seeking to Silence your ability to speak openly and freely in your own country. They certainly seek to abolish your rights and religious freedom. They seek to abolish your First and 2nd Amendment rights.
People are you actually paying attention? What activity or freedoms will your children and grandchildren have in another 10 years? 
If leftist democrats get power back, People Control is all that they seek 
Do yourself a favor and search out and read The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. Democrats are utterly the new Communist party without question.
They seek control over every aspect of your life, this is truly why they seek high speed rail, it’s certainly much easier to control your travel, this is why Communist countries have high speed rail instead of airplanes and airports. This is also why you must qualify to be able to actually own or drive a car. 
I’m certainly not kidding when I tell you that Facebook is the new Nazi party, they are controlling your speech through indoctrination tactics and the democrats media.
If they disagree with what you say.. it’s labeled so called Hate speech. This is what we’ve become people. Now you can either give up... Or fight back, What are you going to do? You must decide today, are you going to allow yourself and your children and grandchildren to live under a Nazi style Democrat dominated society? Or do you choose freedom?