Friday, August 2, 2019

Leftist Hate in America

The masked leftist democrats party have certainly become the party of utter disgrace and hate.
They blame the Right as the haters, However people who are on the right, believing of the will of our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution aren’t violent folks. The greatest majority are hard working honest people who just intend to make our country better and stronger, For our children and grandchildren’s future. We believe in the freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment, in order of the actual protection of America’s freedom and liberty.
The masked leftist democrats party have utterly become violent revolutionaries, their hero’s are Cubans Castro, and Russia’s Stalin, and use Alinskys rules for radicals. Hate speech is anything that they disagree with. They certainly have become just sad little people Since Trump was elected.
The country is truly lost if the Obama democrats ever regain power.

Vance Keaton
Phoenix Arizona
Please follow and continue supporting our America First President

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